Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What's up with the weird dreams??

I'm sure that I am not the only person that has weird dreams, but I've been having some very disturbing ones. I've been having a lot of "deja vu" dreams if you know what I mean. You know were you dream something and then swear you see it a week later, or at least you think you do. One example is I was standing on the shop floor at my work watching employees going about their business and then just all of the sudden BAM it hits me, I've seen this somewhere before. I don't know why I'm even writing about this because it's probably just all in my head. Plus I'm still pissed off that the dream I had about winning $56,000,000 in the lottery hasn't come true. But anyway, what can you do?!?!
I'm sure that I'll have something even more useless to write about tomorrow.


Blogger Violet said...

I had a dream one time that I was living in a treehouse behind Bill and Chris' old house. I wrote about it, but I think it was on my old blog.

7:00 PM  
Blogger Dave Morris said...

I had a dream that Violet was a llama once. I think that was an even hotter dream than if I had won 56-mil. Not that I'm into bestiality or anything...

7:43 AM  

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